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Haley Flowers- Food Processing/ Equine Science

Josh Crafton - Ag Mechanics Placement

Our members are interested in many different aspects of agriculture and therefore we have a very diverse sampling of SAE areas within the chapter. We encourage students to step into non tratitional SAE and profieciency areas when possible and challenge them to try to be open minded when looking for a new and diverse SAE possibilty as freshman. We hope you enjoy the ones we have highlighted here on our webpage.

Josh works at his families business of CSC recycling in Camden. He uses various tools while working in the shop doing maintenance and also operates heavy equipent such as a Komatsu D39 bulldozer.

The business reclaims metal, aluminmumm copper, platinum and other precious and recyclable metals.

​Member SAE

Haley works at her uncles meat processing plant and also cares for horses.


Jay has a placement CDE working on his uncles farm raising soybeans and corn.


Naila produces fresh vegetables and takes care of her pets in her CDE.  She also works in the FFA greenhouse on campus.


Jay Taylor - Div. Crop Prod.

Naila Bassett- Vegetable Production

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