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​Freshman Only CDE

Opening Closing

Opening Closing is a freshman only CDE that is a basis for the parliamentary procedure contest. A team is composed of President, Vice President, Secretary, Reporter, Sentinel, Treasurer and an Advisor.​


Our team this year was: P- Alyssa Pierce, VP - Haley Flowers, S- Ashley Perry, R- Trent Riley, T - Carmina Fajarro, Sent.- Mason Matlock and Advisor - Jacy Spence



Creed is a freshman only CDE that starts at the chapter level with our chapter CDE. The winner then goes to the West TN contest and the winner goes on to compete in the state CDE at the state convention in Gatlinburg. One lucky winner will advance to represent TN at the National Convention in Indianapolis.

Our representative this year, Jacy Spence,  won the BC FFA creed contest and won District II as well.​

Lower Division Skills


​This CDE is for freshman only and is composed of tool id, small engine part id, constructing a stud wall, and electrical wiring.


Our team this year was composed of: Jacy Spence, Mason Matlock, Alyssa Pierce, and Logan Brasher.

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