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Alyssa Pierce- Food Processing/Diversified Livestock

Taylor Jenkins - Diversified Livestock

Our members are interested in many different aspects of agriculture and therefore we have a very diverse sampling of SAE areas within the chapter. We encourage students to step into non tratitional SAE and profieciency areas when possible and challenge them to try to be open minded when looking for a new and diverse SAE possibilty as freshman. We hope you enjoy the ones we have highlighted here on our webpage.

Taylor has a flock of 17 laying hens, mostly Rhode Island Reds, that he takes care of and sales eggs to local consumers. He recently hatched 10 replacement chicks in the incubator at school. He also works on the family horse ranch, The Flying J. Taylor has been very involved in FFA serving as Vice President in 2011 and 2012. He competed in Livestock and Horse Judging CDE's.

​Member SAE

Alyssa has horses, donkies and helps her father in competitive cookoff competitions throughout the year. Alyssa has been very active in FFA and competed in Opening/Closing, Lower Division Skills and Ag Day.


Lane's SAE involves mowing, mulching, planting and harvesting vegetable crops, clearing land for landscaping and trimming trees. He has been very active in FFA serving as Chaplain in 2011 and 2012 and the 2012-2013 Sentinal. Lane has attended state convention, quiz bowl, chapter livestock and chapter forestry events.

Jacy's SAE revolves around growing vegetables in her home vegetable garden. She also works with the Magic Valley Saddle Club as part of her SAE. Jacy is the Secretary of the Benton County FFA and served as three years as 4H President. She used her speaking abilities and leadership talents to win the Benton County FFA Creed CDE and the District II Creed CDE. She was also on the Opening/Closing Team, Lower Division Skills, and attended TN State FFA Convention.


Lane Hudson - Landscaping

Jacy Spence - Vegetable Production

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